GS & Concert – Lee Teuk photos from News and TSL

Teuk did V sign when he was dancing Sorry Sorry~!!! (gif from TSL 페ㄹi)

Teuk so cute ~^^~ (gif from TSL 페ㄹi)

Teuk showed his big heart to TSL
Teuk was bowing to TSL
Teuk’s big heart
Teuk was V sign again when SPY
P.S. Please don’t save as the photos or post to other blog without TSL confirmation, thank you!

GS & Concert – TSL large banner

TSL banner size in 5m x 1.5m, very large~!

[Translation] Jung-Su, we are always on your side. Whenever, wherever we will be with you (Love)Park JungSu
(Photo and translation from TSL, thank you! And please don’t save as and post to other place which without TSL‘s agree, thank you!)

Please pay attention below short film, Teuk saw TSL large banner, haha~
1) At 0:59 – Teuk saw TSL large banner
2) At 2:03 – Teuk was smile to TSL
(Video cr: AlwaysSJH)

GS & Concert , TSL’s “Thank you message”


많은 분들의 후기 보셨지요?

I believed that you have already read the review.

그냥 덧붙일 말 없이 특이도, TSL도 감동이었습니다.

Just without adding words , both of Leeteuk and TSL were impressed.

이번에 일 진행 하시느라 한강쌍두이님 고생하셨습니다.

For this time, 한강쌍두이님 had some hardship to work in process.

저에게 계속 건의 해 주신 연꽃님도 감사합니다.

I wanted to express my thanks to 연꽃님 who she have given me a good suggestion.

큰 현수막 디자인 해 주신 페리님, 출력해 주신 현서엄마님 정말 감사합니다.

also really gave my thanks to 페리님 who she was willing to design the banner 

and to 현서엄마님 who she was willing to print the banner.

회원님들의 ‘좋아요’로 가게 되었습니다.

We could go there from all of cafe member’s pressing  ” good”.

그리고 이번에 정말 큰 도움 준 특강과 우리의 동반자 TSW에게도 진심으로 감사합니다.

and this time I really would like to appreciate 특강 and our partner TSW which they have gave us a big assistance .

어제 진한 감동 함께 만들어 주신 분들 행복했습니다.

We could feel so much happiness thanks to those who they have made a deep impression yesterday.

(Translation from TSL, thank you very much!)